




3 Stars


First of all, thank you to the author and publisher for providing an ARC of the book for my review in a Goodreads giveaway.  I enjoyed the book and would probably give it 3.5 stars if Goodreads allowed that; the story held my attention, I liked the characters and the writing was pretty good (although I think there’s room for some editing before the final version).  Nonetheless, I just didn’t know what to make of the book.  I felt like I wanted something more from the story, like it was building up to something huge, and in the end it was kind of a letdown.  The something huge just never came.  The big reveal at the end didn’t even make a lot of sense to me.  What happened at the end of the story (I won’t spoil anything with more details) exposed the bad guys to the world and yet I had the impression that they did it themselves.  Unfortunately, after an otherwise enjoyable read I was left scratching my head a little.


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