The First Conspiracy

The First Conspiracy: The Secret Plot to Kill George Washington

 by  and Josh Mensch

 4 Stars

 I found The First Conspiracy to be a very interesting account of a little known and seldom written about aspect of the American Revolution: a British plot to turn colonists (and especially colonial soldiers) to the British side and (possibly at least) to capture and perhaps kill George Washington and other colonial generals.

 I won the book in a Goodreads giveaway, so first of all I’d like to thank Goodreads, the publisher, and the author for a chance to read and review the book.  When I entered the giveaway I didn’t realize that this was a “Young Reader’s Edition” of the book.  I was apprehensive when I first saw that but still found the book very interesting and informative.  The only major concession to “Young Reader’s” I noted was the very short chapters.

 Highly recommended.


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