The Missing Chums

The Missing Chums

(The Hardy Boys #4)


3 Stars

I grew up reading the Hardy Boys, and read a few of them with my son when he was younger although I don’t think he ever enjoyed them anywhere near as much as I did.  Reading them again now is truly a wonderful trip down memory lane, and my ratings for the books are due entirely to their nostalgia value, not to their literary merit.  However, I have to take this one down a notch to only 3 stars because it just requires too much suspension of disbelief.  Two of the Hardy’s chums are kidnapped and, although the two teenagers are missing for what is apparently several days, both the local police and the Coast Guard are content with letting the Hardy brothers take the lead on trying to locate them.  It makes the Hardy’s into the heroes when they’re found, which is obviously the purpose, but it’s incredibly frustrating to read through.  I must be getting old!


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