The Robots of Dawn

The Robots of Dawn

(Robot #3)


4 Stars

Lije Baley and R. Daneel Olivaw, the crime solving duo that are the stars of The Robots of Dawn, are without a doubt my favorite literary detectives.  Baley is an Earthman (after all, this is a future where humans now inhabit some 50 other worlds and the distinction of being from Earth is an important, and not altogether desirable, one) and Olivaw is his robotic partner.  Although robots are common on the outer worlds (among the “Spacers”) they are still mistrusted on Earth, and Baley’s partnership with the all too human Daneel Olivaw is, therefore, a most unusual one.  It is also at once both comical and touching, representing a deep (and very human) friendship.

The Robots of Dawn is the penultimate work in Asimov’s Robot series, which begins his epic story of the future that concludes with his Foundation series.  It’s a future that’s certainly not utopian.  The people of Earth live crowded together in great enclosed Cities (that’s Cities with a capital “C”), eat unsatisfying food substitutes, and exist in mortal fear of the “Outside”.  And yet, as long as someone like Lije Baley, with his high moral standards and dogged determination, is around you get the feeling that things won’t turn out so very badly after all.

Asimov was a prolific genius, and his vision of the future is a science fiction classic that everyone should read at least once.


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