

4 Stars

Michael Crichton is my favorite author.  Congo is one of his earlier works (it was first published in 1980) and is somewhat of a departure from his frequent theme of disaster caused by the abuse of science and technology introduced in his first major work The Andromeda Strain and most famously exemplified by Jurassic Park.  The writing here may not be quite as good as some of his later work, but the story telling is still first rate.  Congo is the story of an expedition into the depths of the Congo rain forest in search of rare, industrial diamonds.  It features the book’s star, a gorilla named Amy who can communicate in sign-language, a lost city buried deep in the jungle, blood-thirsty cannibals, an active volcano, and a previously unknown species of deadly apes intent on keeping the mysteries of the jungle city hidden.  Highly recommended.


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Mike's Books

American Rebels: How the Hancock, Adams, and Quincy Families Fanned the Flames of Revolution
really liked it
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