The Tower Treasure (The Hardy Boys #1)

The Tower Treasure

(The Hardy Boys #1)

4 Stars

OK, the 4 stars here are purely for the nostalgia.  If you’re an adult reading the Hardy Boys for the first time this clearly is not a 4 star book.  The Hardy Boys books were written for kids, and like millions of other boys from my generation I grew up reading them.  I also read some of them with my son when he was young, but he was never as fond of them as I was.  I suppose they really haven’t aged all that well.  This, the first book in the series, was written in 1927 and it certainly portrays a very different world from the one we live in today.  But if you grew up on the series as I did, it’s a marvelous trip down memory lane, one that I intend to continue through more of the series.


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