Active Measures (Jericho Quinn #8)

Active Measures

(Jericho Quinn #8)


4 Stars

I was torn between 3 and 4 stars on this one, but because this is the first Jericho Quinn novel I’ve read and I’m jumping into the middle of the series I decided to round up to 4.  I think more familiarity with the characters would have made the book more enjoyable and there was still plenty here to send me to the beginning of the series to catch up.

So a Cuban defector lands on a beach in south Florida and is almost immediately killed by Cuban security operatives before he can do more than claim to have information vital to the United States.  It turns out the information he has relates to the existence of an aging Soviet nuclear missile in the hands of a rogue military officer in Cuba, a missile this officer intends to launch on Miami.  Enter Jericho Quinn and his team, who travel to Cuba and foil his plot in the midst of a hurricane.  There’s plenty of action and the characters are all likeable in spite of my lack of knowledge regarding their back stories.  Bring on book 1!


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